We have more than two decades of legal experience.
The law is complex; you should consult a lawyer to help you navigate those complications when you have been injured. Gorman Jones Lawyers is the firm serving Campbelltown that you should visit when you need a lawyer to guide you through those difficulties.
We specialise in personal injury cases to guarantee true commitment to helping you receive the compensation you deserve. When you experience a personal injury, you often experience a series of expenses that are difficult to deal with without outside help.
Our legal services are designed to help you navigate those difficulties and find the compensation necessary to recover from your injury.
We work with you on your personal injury case, no matter the cause. Some of the subsets of personal injury that we have experience with include:
Our team of lawyers are here to provide the insight and advice to walk through your personal injury case from the very beginning of the process. We help you know what evidence to gather and what information makes your case strong.
With more than 26 years of legal experience, we have the insight and clarity to walk you through the ins and outs of any personal injury legal challenges. We provide insightful and innovative legal solutions for your injury case so you can finally receive compensation and rest easily.
Discover what an experienced and accomplished lawyer can do for you by coming to Gorman Jones Lawyers in Campbelltown—call (02) 4628 9999 to schedule an appointment today.
We Are Your Local Compensation Specialists
"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation."
"Absolutely the most professional team of people I have come across. The Best outcome you could have dreamed of, amazing result."
Dianne Meznaric
"Quality, Professionalism"
Natcha R
Call us today on (02) 4628 9999 to arrange a no-obligation appointment to decide if we are right for you.
"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation"
Phone: 02 4628 9999
Fax: 02 4628 9777
Email: ctown@gormanjones.com.au
Address: Suite 24 Level 2 171-179 Queen St
Campbelltown, NSW 2560
ABN: 64181430678