Your road to recovery and compensation.
You should report an accident within 24 hours. Report it to the police if it is a car accident, your supervisor if it is a work accident, or a person or body of authority if it is a public risk accident.
Take down the details of the other driver if it is a car accident, work details if it is a work accident, along with other relevant details in public risk claims, including the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any witnesses.
See your solicitor before you do anything else.
You should fill out the appropriate claim form for motor and work accident claims.
Do not discuss your claim with insurance companies or insurance investigators making enquiries on behalf of insurance companies without your solicitor's knowledge, as details unfavourable to your claim may be divulged.
Go to your doctor, physiotherapist or other treatment provider and seek treatment, ensuring that you advise them clearly about how the accident happened and advise them fully about all your injuries and disabilities, however small they may appear at the outset.
Continue treatment with your doctor, physiotherapist, or another provider whenever the pain worsens. We will have your doctor's attendance records available in court to help prove your case.
Always go to medical appointments arranged by solicitors or insurance companies. A missed appointment will cost you money and will delay your claim.
Maintain a monthly diary of events that happen to you concerning your pain and suffering, your treatment, and its effect on your employment.
Keep your solicitor informed of any changes in your circumstances, e.g., more medical treatment, as it may change how your case is prepared.
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"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation."
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For dedicated legal support in your motor vehicle accident case, contact our team today on 02 4628 9999 and let us steer your path to rightful compensation and recovery.
"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation"
Phone: 02 4628 9999
Fax: 02 4628 9777
Address: Suite 24 Level 2 171-179 Queen St
Campbelltown, NSW 2560
ABN: 64181430678