Your gateway to secure your financial future.
You may have an entitlement, but not all Super Funds take out insurance on behalf of their members to provide extra benefits in the event of death or disability.
The extra benefits will depend on what your Super Fund has agreed upon with the Super Fund's insurer, but the type of insurance generally provided for is a lump sum payment in circumstances of a member's Death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD).
Sometimes, there may also be a benefit for partial payment when a member becomes partially disabled. This may be in the form of a pension or monthly payments paid for a period of up to two years or more.
Importantly, because you do not take out the insurance policy but by your Super Fund, the Super Fund's insurer will not usually require you to complete an application form when you become a member.
In this case, the TPD or disability insurance will operate automatically and cover you on becoming a member of the Super Fund rather than having to apply and be accepted.
This means that you may still be covered for a pre-existing disability or illness where the disability or illness causes you to stop working while you are a member.
Entitlement to extra benefits under a Super Fund has nothing to do with whether your disability is related to your employment or the work you were doing when you became disabled. For example, the disability may be due to cancer, heart problems or mental stresses unrelated to work.
Under a Super Fund, the entitlement to benefits or right to keep benefits will usually be unaffected by whether you have received compensation or damages from a court case or whether you are on a disability payment from Centrelink or Veteran Affairs.
Our firm is highly specialised in this area of law. We can help you identify what information is required and whether the Super Fund and the Super Fund's insurance company have decided if you can claim and receive a benefit.
While every Super Fund has different rules about claiming and eligibility, there is no time specified by any law for making a claim.
However, delay or failure to act in a timely manner will always be a factor in decision-making. You should make a claim as soon as possible.
This area of law requires a high level of specialisation and involves knowledge of different areas of the law. Moreover, most Super Funds are responsible for providing medical and financial information to the member.
Some claims are simple and straightforward, and others are more complicated.
As a rule of thumb, if all the information is available, it will take 6 to 12 months for both the Super Fund Trustee and the insurer to decide.
Gorman Jones Lawyers regularly act for clients on superannuation claims and have built up the expertise and knowledge necessary to be effective in this area of work.
Because claims for compensation under insurance policies taken out by Super Funds involve knowledge and experience in several areas of law, most solicitors do not undertake these cases. For that reason, you need the specialised skills provided by our firm.
Contact our firm to arrange a conference to discuss whether you may have a claim or not.
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To secure your financial future and explore your superannuation claims, contact Gorman Jones Lawyers at 02 4628 9999 today, and let us guide you to a brighter tomorrow.
"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation"
Phone: 02 4628 9999
Fax: 02 4628 9777
Address: Suite 24 Level 2 171-179 Queen St
Campbelltown, NSW 2560
ABN: 64181430678